Fractional distillation of petroleum: unleashing the might of crude oil
At Reva Industries, we commit ourselves towards incorporating the finest techniques into petroleum like fractional distillation to take crude oil to its ultimate refining and produce industrious, home using, and vehicle-based products that power the world. Our infrastructures are well set up along with processes to make sure we have high-quality products: fuels, energy, and industrial products that keep the world going. This page will take you through the process of fractional distillation, its importance, and the valuable products it yields.
Petroleum Fractional Distillation What is it?
Petroleum fractional distillation is a separation of crude oil into a series of “fractions” of different boiling points. Natural crude oil is a very messy mix of hydrocarbons, and the separation of these kinds of compounds may be useful through the formation of useful products from them, for example, gasoline, diesel, and kerosene.At Reva Industries, we optimize the fractional distillation process to get each fraction extracted most efficiently and used to the fullest. This process is important for modern life as it fuels many industries, from transportation to energy and manufacturing.
How Fractional DistillationActually Works:
Petroleum fractional distillation is an efficient and accurate way of refining crude oil. Here’s how it works at our refinery:
Value of each Fraction
The fractional distillation of crude oil yields a broad range of vital products. Reva Industries values each droplet of crude oil and utilizes each
fraction in fuelling the world.
Why Choose Reva Industries?
Here’s why you should partner with us:
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